Stieg Larsson, a famous author, whose Girl With The Dragon Tattoo book and sequels achieved global success. The Hollywood movie adaptation of his book grossed over $232 million worldwide.
Larsson died unexpectedly at the age of 50 from a heart attack, and without a will. Stieg Larsson was never married and had no children. He did have a live-in girlfirend, Eva Gabrielsson, for 32 years.
This sparked a huge lawsuit between his live-in girlfriend and his brother and father, whom the girlfriend claims were not close with Larsson. The family members inherited his vast estate and sued because the girlfriend has possession of a laptop with an unpublished fourth manuscript.
Larsson procrastination with his estate planning means he did not get to decide whether his girlfriend or his family members inherited his estate. Don’t let this happen to you. Put your documents in place today.