One family who would only speak anonymously reported that their elderly mother, who lived alone, woke one day from a nap to find a distant long-lost relative by her bedside. While gaining her trust and affection, he prevented her children from speaking to her on the phone.
The tight-knit family became alarmed. Taking leave from work, they set up a 24-hour roster to sit by mom’s bedside, maintaining a constant vigil. At times this meant sitting across her bed from the man and duking it out in an unnerving, sleepless battle of wills.
Their mother had drawn up a power of attorney, but was still sufficiently independent and lucid not to need anyone to act on her behalf. Now she hinted at changing her will. It took weeks for her sons to wear their cousin down. Eventually, sensing defeat, he disappeared as mysteriously as he had appeared.
As parents live longer there are children, and sometimes even cousins, relative, and friends that start looking for ways to take control of the elderly parents money and assets. It happens more often than you know. It is best to not leave your health, money and assets to chance. Put your estate plan and documents in place today.