The State of California is protecting predatory judges like Elizabeth Lippitt and every other judicial predator. The California State Bar is used to get rid of attorneys who complain about judicial corruption. Even judges who object disappear.
Here is how the system works. A family is worried that someone is abusing a relative so they file a petition with the probate court. The Court assigns a Court Appointed Attorney (CAC) to assess elder’s assets. If the elder has sufficient assets to steal, a mediation is set.
In the cases of Widow M: Widow M had been held psychological captive by her adult daughter who was depleting her assets. The Widow M still had a few million in assets so Judge Lippitt assigned CAC Delahoussaye-Quantrell and set a mediation before ex judge Reva Goetz.
The Widow M was confided all day in the office tower with a seemingly endless mediation run by Judge Goetz to the point the Widow was exhausted and just wanted to go home. They told her that if she just signed this piece of paper she could go live with her adult son. Of course, CAC Quantrell never told the widow that the price of her freedom was to sell her large Glendale property, then to sell her income producing property and then after the “conservator” had deplete more of her assets, sell her remaining property. Guess who gets to buy the properties at bargain prices.
Here is the Systemic Aspect
When the Widow M discovers the fraud, Lippitt, Goetz and Quantrell know that appellate court justices Perluss, Feuer and Stone have got their backs. In the case of Mozer v Augustine (BP168773 2019), where Reva Goetz was also mediator, they rule that when the probate thieves use mediation to cheat an elder, the elder is forbidden to complain. Why? The Mozer judges held that if the judicial vultures intend their communications deceiving the elder to be confidential, then the elder may never speak about them. When the system has predetermined the route by which to steal all your property, the corruption is systemic. That is just the way the system functions.
They are stealing the Widow M’s money. First, Siegel goes to Social Security and takes 100% of the widow’s Social Security. Next, he goes to her pension and takes 100% of her private pension. The laws requires notice to be given the widow when any account is changed but Siegel gives out a false address so that the Widow M does not know he has stolen her pensions until, she does not get her checks. Complain to Justice Perluss? Triple Ha!. This shows how conservatorships work in LA. All the money goes to the conservator and all the bills stay with the elder. What is the widow to do? Complain to Justice Dennis Perluss? Quadruple Ha! They are corrupt.
Information Excerpts from City Watch