Doc – Health Care Directive

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What is a Health Care Directive?

A health care directive is your written, legal instructions regarding your preferences for medical care should there ever come a time when you are unable to make decisions for yourself.

A Health Care Directive is also known as:

— Advance Directive

— Living Will Form

— Advance Health Care Directive

— Advance Medical Directive

— Living Will

— Advance Decision For

Why Create a Health Care Directive?

Creating a personal directive gives you control of your medical wishes, and it saves your family from making tough treatment choices on your behalf.

Without a Health Care Directive, the burden of making your medical decisions falls on your family, and potentially medical professionals could intercede and make decisions for you.

Additionally, having a directive allows you to discuss your treatment wishes with someone you trust, BEFORE any unforeseen medical situations. This allows for decisions to be made for your best interest.