MAKE SURE THEY’RE YOUR DECISIONSWhen you have no health issues; no real life or death issues, it’s hard to imagine or even think about something going wrong. After all, you are taught to think positive and be positive. That is all true; however, you must still plan for the long-term. Each of us understands that everyone will die. As you get older, your body changes; your health changes; your strength changes; your thoughts change; your mental sharpness can change. While you are in a good space and can make reasonable and sound decisions for yourself, it is best that you take the time now, to make those decisions and put those decisions in writing — put your documents in place. From experience we know that once something happens where you cannot make decisions for yourself, then yes it is too late to put your documents in place. |
Upon Death DecisionsWhat happens to my __________ when I die? Yes, it is hard to get your mind to think about death, especially your own death. However, if you fail to put documents in place, then you leave it to others, including maybe a stranger, to decide what should happen to the things that you own. Maybe you had intended to leave something for your children, grandchildren; or maybe you wanted a certain type of funeral or no funeral at all. You must let people know. Some things to think and make decisions about are: — Who gets my house or rental property? — Who gets my vehicles? — Who gets the money in my bank accounts? — Who gets my 401K, IRA, Investment accounts? — Who gets your life insurance proceeds? — Who get my furniture, clothing, jewelry? — What type of funeral do you want? — Where do you want to be buried? — Who do you want to intentionally disinherit? Without the appropriate documents, there could potentially be no one with the legal authority to carry out your wishes. Then, they end up in probate court with a stranger, probate judge, making the decisions for you. |
If Become Incapacitated DecisionsI want _________ to handle my ___________. For the incapacitation decisions, you want to think about things like your health, quality of life; residing in a nursing home; someone taking care of your children; your finances to pay to take of you; money to take care of your kids. Incapacitation can be short; maybe you were in an accident and was placed in a coma for a short period of time. It can be long-term and indefinite; maybe you have dementia and is expected to get worse. The situation is such that no one knows what will or may happen. No one can predict your precise or imprecise future. So, it is best to try to make your best decisions now, about what you want, if you should become incapacitated. Some Incapacitation things to think and make decisions about are: — Should a guardian become necessary, who should act as my guardian? — Should a conservator become necessary, who should act as my conservator? — Who should talk with my doctors? — Who should make my health care decisions? — Do you want to remain in a coma? — Do you want to be on life support for a period of time, even after the doctors say there is no hope? — Do you want life saving amputations done? — Who should take care of my children? — Who should have access to my bank accounts to pay my bills? — Who should live with me, or who should I go to live with? Being declared Incapacitated means that you are mentally not able to make decisions for yourself. Understand that this does not necessarily mean that you are insane; it means that someone has gone to probate court; said that you are not capable of taking care of yourself; and the probate court agreed with them that you are not capable of taking care of yourself. |
Now, Is The Time to Decide These ThingsDecisions like these, that can have life long consequences, should be made when you can think them through; like right now, as you are reading, gathering information, and gaining knowledge. What we would like to impress upon you is that you should do everything you can to protect yourself and to avoid probate. So, you should take the time now to put your documents in place so that things are done the way you want them. |