Christina Alvarado of Farmersville, California is alleged to have stolen more than $ 5 million dollars from the elderly David Slinitzer, his life savings.
About two years later, Alvarado and another woman, Brenda L. Denning, were able to convince Silnitzer to allow her legal access to his finances through a Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Management. Denning has not been arrested in connection to this case and no charges have been filed against her.
Heidi Plowman said her grandfather David Silnitzer is the victim of an elaborate scheme carried out by Christina Alvarado. The 50-year-old Alvarado was arrested Tuesday by a DA investigator and charged with four felonies, including theft from an elder or dependent adult, identity theft, felony forgery and a white collar crime enhancement for committing a crime in excess of $500,000.
Plowman said Silnitzer, 75, was living alone in 2015 when his wife Virginia passed away. About a year later, Silnitzer and Alvarado became friends. They met by chance at a 7-Eleven where he would walk every morning to buy his morning newspaper.
It didn’t take long for Alvarado to realize Silnitzer was wealthy, Plowman said. Although they lived a modest life, Silnitzer, a former probation officer, and his wife diligently invested for decades in stocks of major companies like Pfizer and Lockheed Martin. They also invested in securities and real estate. Court records show Silnitzer’s net worth exceeded $6 million.
Charmed by Alvarado’s kindness, Silnitzer allowed her to move into his Fig Garden home in early 2016, court records show.
“I remember talking to Grandpa on the phone and he told me he met this lady who had a house around the corner and she has been coming over and cooking for him,” Plowman said. “I even talked to her once and she told me how my grandpa was such a wonderful man. Then I find out she is my age.”
Authorities allege that Silnitzer has severe dementia and was unable to understand what has happening to his money.
Alvarado remains in Fresno County jail with bail set at $1 million. She is expected to be arraigned Thursday on the elder abuse charges. If convicted she could spend nine years and eight months in prison.
Take time today to check on your parents, grandparents and loved one. While the coronavirus may make it difficult for in-person visits, do all you can to make sure their health finances and well being are ok.
Information excerpt from Fresno Bee