On March 4, 2020, Brian Wiggins, a lawyer from Xenia, Ohio, was arrested and indicted on 55 criminal counts involving stealing about $2.1 million from a probate estate trust. The owner of the estate died in 2018 and left an estate valued at more than $3 million. The money was intended to benefit St. Jude’s Hospital and Smile Train charities.
Wiggins, 36, is accused of buying houses, cars, boats, jewelry, gambling at casinos in Las Vegas, paying for a family member’s cosmetic surgery, and paying his child support, according to David Hayes, Greene County Chief trial counsel.
The February 27, 2020, indictment accuses Wiggins of identity fraud, aggravated theft over $1.5 million, money laundering, theft, tampering with records and possession of cocaine, according to online court records.
Brian Wiggins could be sentenced to 70 years in prison if he’s convicted on all the charges detailed in the indictment against him, according to Greene County Chief trial counsel David Hayes.